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Archived Profiles and Forums ...Regina is attracted by practical applications and throughout her career has worked on a.....He and his wife, Lani Wu, whose profile also appears here, looked for jobs in ...[ Open In New Window ]
Helping You Make Smarter Career Decisions Intern/First Job. Since 1994, job seekers have relied on WetFeet to help them research companies and industries and manage their careers. Think of us as your own private research company ...[ Open In New Window ]
Try This Career Profile Test Looking for a career that will make you happy? Take this free test to jiggle your brain and get a few ideas to help you find your life's purpose. Get your test results now.[ Open In New Window ]
Looking for a New Career? Take the next step in your career today. Get information on fast growing career fields plus a salary calculator, cost-of-living wizard and more.[ Open In New Window ]
Career Profile Finding the right career- the shape of the shape of the face provides information about the careers you would enjoy. Career assessment, career direction, career coaching, relationships, ...[ Open In New Window ]