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total population of australia
AN ONLINE INTERACTIVE GEOGRAPHY GAME AND QUIZ SITE ON AUSTRALIA ... At 801,428 sq km, New South Wales occupies 10.5% of Australia's total area, and has a population of 5,543,500, which is 32.6% of Australia's total population.[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
AUSTRALIA: states population Australia Capital Territory Canberra 2452 2360 900 312,6 321,7 310,0 306,4 299,2 ... TOTAL STATES: Canberra 7682357 7691960 2966200 18973,0 ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Persons aged 10-17 years in juvenile corrective institutions at 30 ... ... number and rate per 100,000 population 10 to 17 years, Australia, states and territories, 1993-2000.[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Persons aged 10-17 years in juvenile corrective institutions at 30 ... ... years in juvenile corrective institutions at 30 june each year, females as a percentage of total population, Australia, states and ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Australia's Indigenous Population - Aboriginal Art Online ... 32% of the indigenous poulation live in rural and remote areas (compared to 14% of the total population), particularly across northern and central Australia ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Australia’s Population ... term (at 2051), with a total fertility rate of 1.6 births per woman, and zero net external migration per annum then Australia’s population would be 20.1 million. By comparison, with ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
The number of Hong Kong people permanently departing Australia is ... ... to 153 for the same period in 1992. The total foreign population in Australia at the end of May was 363,000 compared to 320,700 for the ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Australia People 2004 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate ... total population: 100% male: 100% female: 100% (1980 est.) NOTE: The information regarding Australia on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
PAI: Resources: Progress and Promises Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands ... ODA as percentage of GNI Total Population Assistance, 2000 ($US millions) ...[ Open In New Window ]

total population of australia
Shopping Behavior among Internet Users and The Total Population in ... ... eMarketer Chart:Shopping Behavior among Internet Users and The Total Population in Australia, 2000-2001 ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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