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shark bay western australia
Shark Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Shark Bay is a locality in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. It is located at approximately , over 800 km north of Perth, on the westernmost point of Australia. It was named by ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Shark Bay Tourism Association Your gateway website to all internet content about Shark Bay Monkey Mia and Denham in Western Australia. Links to all Shark Bay tourist operators...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort – Shark Bay offers the rawness for which the West Australian outback is renowned, the beauty of the crystal blue ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Shark Bay, Western Australia - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Brief Description. At the most westerly point of the Australian continent, Shark Bay, with its islands and the land surrounding it, has three exceptional natural features: its vast ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Stromatolites - Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia Stromatolites found at their most diverse and in great abundance at Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia, may look like rocks but they are in fact living things, believed to be the ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Monkey Mia, Western Australia Wade out to sea for a close encounter with a bottlenose dolphin[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Dolphin - Western Australia Photograph of a bottlenose dolphin at Monkey Mia in Shark Bay, Western Australia[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Shark Bay, Western Australia Forecast : Weather Underground Find the Weather for any City , State or ZIP Code , or Airport Code or Country ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Shark Bay, Western Australia - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Shark Bay, Western Australia (Department of the Environment and Heritage) ... Shark Bay World Heritage Site (Western Australia Department of ...[ Open In New Window ]

shark bay western australia
Ecotourism in shark Bay Western Australia Aquaculture park and oceanarium offering close up views of sharks, rays and other marine creatures. Company profile, location, and contact details included.[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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