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International Index Fund ... of the Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia, and Far East Free ("EAFE® Free Index" ... Kingdom), Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Life Goals - INFO CENTER - Glossary Morgan Stanley Capital International-Europe, Australia, Far East (EAFE) Index A market value-weighted average of the performance of more ...[ Open In New Window ]

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1. BP PLC Sp ADR Corp. ... property of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated (“Morgan Stanley”). Morgan Stanley Capital International is a service mark ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Morgan Stanley REIT Index financial definition of Morgan Stanley REIT Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australia, Far East Index. Morgan Stanley Capital International Pacific Free index ... All content on this website, including dictionary, ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Fidelity Diversified International Fund Fidelity offers investment 15.65 39.17 20.69 Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australia, Far East Index is a market value-weighted average of the performance ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Dow at life high, but managers still buy abroad ... stocks, as represented by the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE (Europe, Australia, Far East) index, were up over 14% this year, ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Bloomberg.com: Europe Australia & New Zealand ... Olympics also will do little to help Fiat expand in international ... the 23 percent gain in the eight-member Bloomberg Europe Autos Index.[ Open In New Window ]

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Glossary ... EAFE Index measures the overall performance of stock markets in 21 countries within Europe, Australia and the Far East. Back to top. MSCI Europe Growth Index. The Morgan Stanley ...[ Open In New Window ]

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CASH SQUEEZE POSSIBLE: Waiting to switch to new EAFE indexcould harm . ... surge for global investors.(Europe, Australia, and the Far East stock index, Morgan Stanley and Company Inc.)(Brief Article)(Statistical ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Microsoft Word - FOW-CME FX.doc MSCI EAFE Index for the period January 1980 to June 1999. (Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australia, Far East Index is the most ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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