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Sydney, New South Wales Forecast : Weather Underground View the weather history for this location. ... Unbiased reviews and advice for Sydney ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Guide to Australia Hosted by Charles Sturt University. Includes links to information on culture, geography, the nation, tourism, science and education, towns, trade and commerce, travel and communications, ...[ Open In New Window ]

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University of Technology, Sydney UTS is a multi-campus university in Sydney, Australia, with more than 24,000 students enrolled.[ Open In New Window ]

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History of Sydney Historical background of Sydney. Travel information. ... Sydney has always been characterised by waves of migration starting with the first ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Michael Jackson History Tour Sydney Australia 1996 DVD ... 18th May 2006 HomeCatalogue IndexHow To OrderOrderformPrice BeaterSpecial Offers History Tour Sydney Australia 1996 Dvd £18.00 $34.50 Dvd Information Animated Menus Chapter Select NTSC ...[ Open In New Window ]

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The History of Sydney, Australia Who were the first people to live in Australia? ... In what year were the Olumpics held in Sydney, Australia?[ Open In New Window ]

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Goju-Kai Karate-Do Australia Headquarters of the International Karate Do Goju Kai Association (IKGA) in Sydney. Includes history of the IKGA, the Sydney dojo, the Gogen Yamaguchi style and provides locations with ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Powerhouse Museum | Sydney Australia A major Australian public museum. Exhibitions, programs and research span the fields of science, technology, industry, design, decorative arts ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Going Places - Sydney O n this program, GOING PLACES takes viewers "down under" to Sydney, Australia, with its beautiful beaches, laid-back populace, and fascinating colonial history.[ Open In New Window ]

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City of Sydney The City of Sydney council is responsible for the Sydney metropolitan area - the commercial, financial and cultural hub of the greater Sydney area. What's On ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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