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climate in sydney australia
Climate averages for Australia A climate overview provides brief information on some of the ways in which climate zones within Australia can be classified.[ Open In New Window ]

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Sydney Australia The climate in Sydney Australia is generally warm and pleasant, and there are many exciting things for the visitor to do. These include visiting The Rocks, the area of Sydney where the ...[ Open In New Window ]

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The climate of Sydney, Australia 1). However Sydney's air temperature has risen faster than in the rest of Australia during the last century ... The climate during Sydney's ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Climate Information Climate Education General information on Australia's climate. ... Interactively explore Australia's past climate ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Climate.org - A Project of the Climate Institute WWF Australia: Sydney. PDF: http://panda.org/downloads/climate_change/wwf2002dr ought_ut3s.pdf. Australian Greenhouse Office. 2002. Living With Climate Change[ Open In New Window ]

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Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate; Sydney, Australia --01/12/06 Work Plan for the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate[ Open In New Window ]

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weather.co.uk - Climate Statistics - Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia. Click a month to see the details for that month. The details for each day of the selected month are shown below.[ Open In New Window ]

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The City of Sydney The City of Sydney council is responsible for the Sydney metropolitan area - the commercial, financial and cultural hub of the greater Sydney.[ Open In New Window ]

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SYDNEY -Tours-Travel-Cruise-Air-AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, ART GALARRY, TRAVEL Sydney Climate ... Sydney- Sydney Tours and Travels tips, Operahouse, Brisben bridge, Australia[ Open In New Window ]

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Climate in Sydney - Essential Travel Info, Sydney Australia ... Climate in Sydney - Essential Travel Info, Sydney Australia - SydneyOnTheWeb.com ... Other Destinations -- Melbourne Hotels & Travel Guide Brisbane Hotels & Travel Guide[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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