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Canberra, Capital City of Australia The 15th International Laser Ranging Workshop will be held in the Capital City of Australia; ... Canberra, Capital City of Australia. The 15th International Laser Ranging Workshop will be ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Capital Aircraft Services Provides avionics spare parts and service for all aircraft in Canberra Australia.[ Open In New Window ]

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ACT Government The Australian Capital Territory Government entry point, offers integrated access to information and services about Canberra and the region, ...[ Open In New Window ]

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The Story of Canberra Numerous relics remain to tell the story of Yesterday's Canberra. ... the pamphlet "The Story of Canberra", with the permission of ...[ Open In New Window ]

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United Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT Masonic Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory (Canberra), Australia, meeting in Sydney.[ Open In New Window ]

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Canberra Hospital (Medical Imaging Department) Site includes, news, library, specialists services, research and educational information. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.[ Open In New Window ]

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Canberra Australian Capital Territory - ACT Australia. Travel guide to Canberra and the ACT of Australia. Find hotels, rent a car, or camper, have a tour ... Jump to... Accommodation Rent a Car or Camper Airline Services Tours & Adventures ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory at Australia Adventures Canberra is the nation's capital with 2,330 sq. km ceded by New South Wales to make the Australian Capital Territory. The ACT is approximately halfway between Sydney and ...[ Open In New Window ]

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VisitCanberra - Australia's national capital Official site. A comprehensive guide to what to see, what to do and where to stay in the capital city of Australia.[ Open In New Window ]

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National Capital Authority The National Capital Authority is working to create a place which symbolises the essence of Australia, where all ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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