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Dragon Search - 11 April 2000 - Leafy seadragon declared South ... ... of many of the marine animal groups found in Southern Australia are endemic. Many of these are found off of our offshore islands and are ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Wild World Glossary America (pampas), central Asia (steppes), southern Africa (savannas), and Australia. ... forest found near the Equator that harbors the ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Animals Found In Australia Australian Animal Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com ...dinosaur fossils have also been found in Australia;[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia's Animal Kingdom Unique Australian Animals Read about almost every animal found in Australia and in the oceans surrounding Australia.[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Zoo - Adopt and Animal Australia Zoo is flat out like a lizard drinking ... protect all species of wildlife and as Australia Zoo receive no government funding your donations and animal ... back to the location in ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Zoo - Adopt an Animal In many cases, recovered wildlife shouldn’t go back to the location in which it was found ... Steve in that uniform ; An animal experience you won’t forget with your sponsored animal at ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Australian Animals ... australian animals, australia information, animal photos ... Found throughout Australia, the common huntsman spider can measure up to 15cms from leg to leg. Australian: Animal Quiz[ Open In New Window ]

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The Internet Lost and Found - Other Resources Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania ... If you have lost or found an animal, you should inquire with your local animal ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Animal News Australia Animal News - This ... disaster' in Australia . Dog overboard found 3km offshore . A nimal rights activists push for rodeo ban . Opposition wants crackdown on 'extremist' animal ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Paws and Claws, Port Douglas - Links to Animal Shelters and Other Pet SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Animal Welfare League of SA: Sandy Creek Dog ... Animal Liberation (WA) Inc. Lost, Found or Homeless: Dogs Needing New Homes (All About Pets)[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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