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Saint Gabriel Communications Full time apologetics outreach of Raymond de Souza. Information on radio program in Perth, Western Australia. Also offers seminars and audio tapes. Free e-books for download.[ Open In New Window ]
Perth time Perth Australia Perth Time Zone Perth Australia Perth time zone is +8 hours GMT. ie Perth time is 8 hours ahead of GMT (UTC). Perth is, depending on daylight saving time in various ...[ Open In New Window ]
Perth Western Australia tour Whale Watching Tours: Monkey Mia Tours: If you are in Perth Western Australia spend some time watching the whales a truly remarkable experiance never to be forgotton.[ Open In New Window ]
Perth Climate, Western Australia, Australia Western Australia does not operates daylight saving and local time is 8 hours ahead of GMT. The map above shows the latitude of Perth and the corresponding latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.[ Open In New Window ]
Home ... pre-match atmosphere as Perth Glory celebrates football in Western Australia on Sunday 15th October.[ Open In New Window ]