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australia cricket team
Windies' cricket team not down for long with upset of Australia 1 Australia by 10 runs in Mumbai, India, as the main round of the ICC Champions ... from 50 overs, but Australia always seemed capable of ...[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
Cricinfo.com - The Home of Cricket International cricket news, live scores, photos, columns and player profiles. Provides archive scorecards, statistics database, ratings and ...[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
Australian Cricket Team ... the AIS Commonwealth Bank Cricket Academy team in Harare. Having seen his brother Shane take part in Australia's World Cup campaign ...[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
Swami Army Supporters group that travel around Australia in support of the Indian cricket team. Includes history, mention of the group in the news, events, photos, chants, and related links.[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
Munich Cricket Club e. V. One of the popular cricket clubs in Munich area playing cricket since 1985. Most team members are from England and Australia, and the clubs tours to Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy and Hamburg.[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
www.baggygreen.com.au Cricinfo Australia - the home of www.baggygreen.com.au. The very latest news on Australian cricket, live scores from around the world and much more...[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
Cricket World Cricket Australia (CA) wants television coverage of the Ashes series to be as contemporary and entertaining ...[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
India vs Australia Network Team Office Cricket World Cup Rules, FAQ and player photographs of office cricket's only international tournament.[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
AISS: Australia International School Singapore The cricket team is a bunch of expat students from years 5 to 12. Details on team, records and superstar. Singapore.[ Open In New Window ]

australia cricket team
The Team With Too Many Names Profiles the efforts of a local indoor cricket team in Western Australia. Includes player profiles, results and a supporters club.[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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