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Atlas: Australia Facts on Australia: flags, maps, geography, history, statistics, disasters current events, and international relations.[ Open In New Window ]
GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Map of Australia Contains a map of Australia with links to additional geographic, economic, cultural and historical ... Privacy Policy. Portions of this site are based on public domain works from the U.S.[ Open In New Window ]
HRW WORLD ATLAS - Australia Country (long form) Commonwealth of Australia: Capital: Canberra: Total Area: 2,967,909.38 sq mi. 7,686,850.00 sq km (slightly smaller than the US) Population: 19,357,594 (July 2001 est.[ Open In New Window ]
MapQuest: World Atlas: main ... Australia & Oceania: Europe: North America: South America: Oceans: Polar Regions: Atlas Map Index ... Select a map using the navigation in the left column or the ...[ Open In New Window ]