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Pet rescue links animal shelters Melbourne Sydney Brisbane RSPCA Darwin ... the public, vet clinics, breeders and pet shops. Animal Shelter. Australia ... house the animals until permanent homes are found. Animal Shelter. Sydney ...[ Open In New Window ]

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RSPCA NSW Why should I adopt a pet from an RSPCA NSW Animal Shelter? ... The RSPCA is Australia’s biggest animal welfare organisation, caring for all ...[ Open In New Window ]

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VEIN Links : Urban animal management Cruelty to Animals Australia (RSPCA) This site is the home page of the RSPCA. ... Pound Animal Welfare Scheme (PAWS) PAWS assists Burwood ...[ Open In New Window ]

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animal australia rspca shelter sydney
Animal Welfare in Australia Current animal welfare issues in Australia ... The Australian State and Territory RSPCA bodies federated in 1980 as "RSPCA Australia".[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Ecotourism And Animal Welfare Organisations A guide to ecotourism and animal welfare in Australia. ... garden of the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney ... RSPCA South Australia - Lonsdale Shelter: 25 Meyers Road[ Open In New Window ]

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Who We Are ... Britain (which is not connected to RSPCA Australia). The RSPCA NSW was founded, under a different name, in Sydney in 1873 – see History . The RSPCA Yagoona Shelter in Sydney is the ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Operation Toby - A strictly not-for-profit initiative, NSW, Australia Border Collie Rescue Australia. http://www.bcra.org.au/ NSW Animal Rescue Inc. ... animals/savingourpets1.htm: Sydney Animal Rescue. http ... Lonsdale RSPCA Animal Shelter. ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Yaps Animal Refuge Dog and Cat Rescue and Boarding Kennels Cairns ... Yaps animal refuge rescue and shelter services Cairns Queensland Australia and surrounding areas. Y.A.P.S Boarding Kennels for dogs and cats ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Animal Refuge Rescue RSPCA Ingham Townsville Shelter Halifax Ingham .. The Halifax Animal Refuge is a non profit .. no kill organization .. servicing Ingham and surrounding areas .. we rescue and rehome abandoned ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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