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Three Great Zoos - Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary and Werribee . Each of Victoria's 3 Zoos has an innovative master plan that displays a representative sample of the world's fauna and flora in bioclimatic ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Animal News from theBigZoo.com Animals News from around the world. Home :News Animal News Headlines How do we make this list? Public end macabre feeding at wildlife parks -- China Daily, ...[ Open In New Window ]

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MoQvo: Animal Planet. Animal Planet content, Animal Planet audio, Anim Animal Planet on MoQvo. MoQvo is your Animal Planet source. Animal Planet content, Animal Planet audio, Animal Planet video clips, Animal Planet blogs and ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Mourners pay respects at Australia Zoo ... Mourners pay respects at Australia Zoo News Front Page Forums Blogs ... the world of animal exploration and my ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Animal Planet :: Australia Zoo -- Dingoes ... They love meeting the Australia Zoo's many visitors and enjoy ... the oldest dingo remains in Australia date to 3,450 years ago ... and cattle until the exhausted animal can be knocked ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Zoo - Animal Encounters Enjoy some special time with our unreal animals at Australia Zoo while our professional photographer captures the moment.[ Open In New Window ]

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Australia Zoo - Animal Encounters 10. Australia Zoo does not take any responsibility for any injuries that are received during the encounter ...[ Open In New Window ]

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CNN.com - Irwin's dad: 'I lost my best mate' - Sep 6, 2006 ... and son, we never were," Bob Irwin told reporters outside Australia Zoo, the animal park in tropical Queensland state where the TV ...[ Open In New Window ]

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Page last updated Monday, 23 October 2006

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