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A light-weight action crime drama created by Rick Rosner, it starred Erik Estrada as macho, rambunctious Officer Francis ('Frank') "Ponch" Poncherello and Larry Wilcox as his strait-laced partner, Officer Jon Baker. With Ponch the more swarthy, trouble-prone of the pair, and Jon generally the more level-headed one trying to keep him out of trouble with the duo's gruff yet fatherly commanding officer Sergeant Joseph Getraer (Robert Pine), the two were Highway Patrolmen of the Central Los Angeles office of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). In season 5, Estrada was occasionally replaced by Bruce Jenner (Officer Steve McLeish) due to a contract dispute. Prior to shooting of season 6, Wilcox had a fall out with the producers over what he saw as favoritism towards Estrada and left to be replaced by Tom Reilly (Officer Bobby Nelson). Bruce Penhall was also introduced as cadet / probationary officer Bruce Nelson, Bobby's younger brother. Estrada apparently did not approve of Reilly's work ethic (and was also very displeased with Reilly's real-life arrest by the LAPD for possession of controlled substances during a traffic stop), and Bobby was featured less prominently in later episodes of the season, with Bruce taking his place for most of the remainder episodes.
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Dave Cruz
4th Street
San Jose